Golden Tulip Hotel Reiss Kassel

Golden Tulip Hotel Reiss Kassel

Golden Tulip Hotel Reiss Kassel

Terms and conditions

I. Scope

1 These Terms and Conditions govern contracts for the rental use of hotel rooms for lodging purposes, as well as any service provided to the customer for other services provided by the hotel. 2 The subletting of rooms as well as their usage for purposes other than for lodging purposes, require the prior written consent of the hotel. Third terms of the customer only apply if this has been expressly agreed in writing.

II. Contract, contracting parties; Prescription

1 The contract is concluded by the acceptance of the application (= company) the customer upon the hotel. The hotel is at liberty to confirm the room reservation in writing. Second contract are the hotel and the customer. Has placed the order a third party, he is liable to the hotel together with the customer and severally liable for all obligations arising from the hotel accommodation contract, if the hotel has a corresponding statement by the third party. 3 On the accommodation contracts are in addition to the Civil Code § 70 ff. Apply the general law of obligations and the provisions of the general tenancy of the Civil Code.

III. Services, prices, payment, settlement

1 The hotel is obligated to keep the rooms reserved by the customer and to provide the agreed services. 2 The buyer is obliged to pay the applicable or agreed for rooms provided and used by him for other services of the hotel prices. This is also caused by the customer for services and expenses of the hotel to others. 3 The agreed prices include the applicable rate of VAT. If the period between conclusion of the contract and the contract exceeds four months and if the rate generally charged for such services, this can increase the contracted price, however, a maximum increase of 5%. 4 Prices are subject to change by the hotel, if the customer later wishes to change the number of rooms booked, the hotel’s services, or length of stay and the hotel consents. 5 Hotel invoices not showing a due date are within 5 days from receipt of invoice without deduction. The hotel is entitled to charge accrued at any time and to require immediate payment. If payment is delayed, the hotel is entitled to charge consumers to charge default interest at the rate of 5% above the base rate. Business transactions, the default interest rate is 8% above the base rate. The hotel reserves the right to prove greater damage. 6 The hotel is entitled to require at conclusion of contract or thereafter, observing the legal provisions for package tours, a reasonable advance payment or security deposit. The amount of the advance payment and payment dates may be agreed in writing in the contract. 7 The customer can only offset or reduce an undisputed or legally enforceable claim against a claim by the hotel.

IV. Repudiation by Customer (Cancellation, Annulment) / Failure to Use Hotel

1 Cancellation by the customer of the contract concluded with the hotel requires the hotels written consent. If not this, then the price agreed in the contract must also be paid if the customer does not avail himself of contractual services. This does not apply to breach of the obligation to take into account the rights, objects of legal protection and interests of the customer, if this holding to the contract is no longer reasonable or another statutory or contractual cancellation right exists. 2 To the extent the hotel and customer a date for free cancellation of the contract agreed upon in writing, the customer may cancel the contract up to that point, without incurring payment or damage compensation claims by the hotel. The customers right of rescission expires if he does not exercise his cancellation right in writing to the hotel by the agreed date, insofar as no case of withdrawal by the customer in accordance with paragraph 1 sentence 3. 3 When not used by the customer to claim rooms, the hotel must apply credit for the income from renting the rooms and also for saved expenses. 4 The Hotel shall be free to demand the contractually agreed compensation and to flat-rate deduction for saved expenses. The customer is obliged in this case, at least 90% of the contractually agreed rate for lodging with or without breakfast, 70% for half and 60% for full-board arrangements to zahlen.Dem customer is free to prove that the above claim is not or not is created in the amount demanded.

V. Cancellation by the hotel

3 Furthermore, the hotel is entitled to effect extraordinary cancellation of the contract for materially justifiable cause, eg if: make it impossible to force majeure or other circumstances beyond the hotel is not the fulfillment of the contract; Rooms are reserved with misleading or false information regarding material facts, such as be posted in the identity of the customer or the purpose; the hotel has justified cause to believe that use of the hotel’s services might jeopardize the smooth operation, security or reputation of the hotel in public, without being attributable to the management or organization of the hotel; a breach of the above clause I no. 2 exists. 4th from justified cancellation by the hotel no claim of customer for damages.

VI. Room Availability, Delivery and Return

1 The customer has no right to be provided specific rooms. Second Reserved rooms are available to the customer from 14.00 clock on the agreed date of arrival. The customer has no right to earlier availability. 3 On the agreed day of departure the rooms must be provided to the hotel at 11.00 clock at the latest available. Afterwards the hotel due to the delayed vacating of the room for use exceeding the contractual time to 18.00 clock 50% of the full accommodation rate (list price) in accounting, from 18.00 clock 100%. Contractual claims are not justified. The customer is at liberty to prove that the hotel incurred no or much lesser claim arose on user fees.

VII. Liability of the Hotel

1 The hotel is liable in cases of intent or gross negligence by the statutory provisions. For slight negligence, the hotel is only liable for injury of life, body or health, or breach of essential contractual obligations. The claim for damages for the negligent breach of fundamental contractual obligations is limited to the contract-typical, foreseeable damage if there is no liability for injury of life, body or health. The organizer shall be liable to the same extent for the negligence of agents and representatives. 2 The provision of the preceding paragraph (8.1) extends to damages in addition to performance, the damages instead of performance and the claim for wasted expenditure, regardless of the legal grounds, including liability for defects, delay or impossibility. For the third property brought into the hotel is liable to the customer in accordance with statutory provisions, ie, up to one hundred times the room rate, not exceeding € 3,500 and for cash, securities and valuables up to € 800 cash. Securities and valuables up to a maximum value of € 30.000, – will be stored in the hotel. The hotel recommends that guests utilize this possibility. Liability claims expire unless the customer notifies the hotel immediately after gaining knowledge of the loss, destruction or damage (§ 703 BGB). For a more extensive liability of the hotel foregoing paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis. 4 If the customer is a parking space in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, even if a fee is provided, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement. For loss of or damage to hotel property parked or moving motor vehicles and their contents, the hotel is not liable, except for willful misconduct or gross negligence. Foregoing paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis. 5 Wake-up calls are carried out with the utmost care. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests are handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and – upon request – for a fee forward such items. Foregoing paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

VIII. Final Provisions

First changes or additions to the contract, the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions for Hotel Accommodation should be made in writing. Unilateral amendments and supplements by the customer are not valid. Second performance and payment is the location of the hotel. 3 Exclusive jurisdiction – also for check and exchange disputes – commercial transactions is the seat of the hotel. If a contracting party has no general jurisdiction in Germany, the courts at the seat of the hotel. 4 The law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The application of the UN Sales Convention is excluded. 5 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions should be void or u nwirksam for Hotel Accommodation be or, as the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. In addition, the statutory provisions shall apply.

Read here the condition of the Hotel Reiss GmbH for the use of the HotSpot access.

Read here the General Terms and Conditions for events.